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The success of the first #MambruiCleanUp

The Deputy Chief of Police (OCS), environmental authorities, voluntary and youth associations, schools, the staff of the two reference resorts, Karibuni Villas and Kola Beach, the organizers Denise Granata and Valerio Procopio, the President of Progress Welfare Association Malindi Kate Mwikali, the head of the hoteliers' association Maureen Awuor, the Sub County Chief Administrator Assad Sheyumbe and Freddie del Curatolo of Malindi Green And Blue, resident and citizen volunteers. All together to make Mambrui a better, greener and bluer place!

It was unbelievable the massive participation to this first monthly event which saw all those people armed by gloves, racks and bags collecting rubbisg along the main road at the entrance of the town.

After having placed the waste bins built by Karibuni Villas, Kola Beach Resort and Luigina Bernini, hundreds of bags, racks and gloves, fruits of private donations received for the event, have been distributed to the movement of volunteers who have definitely shown that they care about the environment with strong passion and decision.

The project is ambitious.

Mambrui has never had garbage collection bins and this has become the main excuse for the county to take no interest in the collection and for residents and citizens to make their own arrangements for the disposal, with consequent damages to the environment caused by the typical garbage bonfires.

Through the donation of the bins and the efforts of organizers, residents and citizens, the environmental manager of the Sub County of Magarini Jimmy Yaa, constantly in contact with the association, ensured the garbage collection in the strategic points of the town by a truck coming from Malindi.

Next appointment on February 22nd, 2020. You can't miss it!!!


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